This page is not a history of famous Jewish pirates. It contains only a collection of notes and interesting facts on this subject. This information is not complete, not all information is verified and systematised. Some references will be provided in the future This page is under construction and is being completed in stages. Check back frequently for updated information.
Moses Cohen Henriques early 17th century 1620s and 30s Netherlands Dutch pirate of Portuguese Sephardic Jewish origin active in the Caribbean against Spain and Portugal. Moses Cohen ( Antonio Vaez Heriques) operated from Brazil during Dutch and captured more than 500 Iberian ships.
Yaakov Koriel was born to Jewish family that converted to Christianity under pressure from the Inquisition when Yaakov was a child. As a young man, Yaakov Koriel was a captain of the Spanish fleet until he was caught by the Inquisition. He was freed by his sailors, most of whom were marranos themselves. For many years after that his only goal was revenge. He had three pirate ships under his command. Little is known about what happened to him later. Some believe that eventually he made his way to the Holy Land, studied Kabbalah and died peacefully of old age [WIKI]
[Famous Jewish Pirates Back to Top]
Interesting facts about Jewish Pirates and Jews somehow connected to pirates.During easter week of 1264 about 1500 Jews were murdered in London, England Jewish pirates of Jamaica named their ships for ancient Jewish heroes and prophets like Prophet Samuel, Queen Esther and Shield of Abraham. One of the most famous Jewish pirates of Jamaica was Moses Cohen Henriques, who lead a 1628 raid, considered the largest ever to be committed against the Spanish fleet. [wiki]
Spanish settlement in Jamaica was for 156 years (1909 – 1655) Between 1655 and 1671 about 2000 pirates from Port Royal, Jamaica captured 250 ships and plundered 18 Spanish cities.
The Inquisition never visited the Jamaica during Spanish occupation and its Jews were tolerated, because the island was given to the Columbus family as a personal estate in 1540In 1894 Meyer Kayserling in his book " Christopher Columbus and the Participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese Discoveries" (Christoph Columbus und der Anteil der Juden an den spanischen und portugiesischen Entdeckungen can be found in the open library) identifies Jews who helps Columbus. The names are: Juan Cabrero, Luis de Santangel, Gabriel Sanches and Alfonso de la Caballeria. Luis de Santangel introduce Columbus to Queen Isabella. There is a proof On February 15, 1493 Columbus send a personal letter of obligations to Luis de Santangel. (Luis de Santangel was a baptized Jew and died in1498) Captains' logs on the Niña and the Pinta were written in a variant of Ladino.
Known Jewish members of Columbus crew: interpreter Luis de Torres –settle in Cuba, Alonso de la Calle, Rodrigo Sanchez of Segovia and ship doctor.[Famous Jewish Pirates Back to Top]
Dictionary from Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMarrano, Marranos or 'secret Jews' were Sephardic Jews, or Jewish people living in the Iberian peninsula, forced to convert to Catholicism-Christianity or be expelled from the Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon (Spain). This term came into use in 1492.
Portugals: Name used by secret Jews in Jamaica to escape the scrunity of the Spanish authorities.
Converso - Conversos (Spanish and Portuguese for "a convert", from Latin conversus, "converted, turned around") and its feminine form conversa referred to Jews or the descendants of Jews who converted to Catholicism in Spain and Portugal, particularly during the 14th and 15th centuries.
Anusim - Anusim (Hebrew pronounced [anu'sim]; singular male, Anús, Hebrew: pronounced [a'nus]; singular female, Anusáh, Hebrew: pronounced [anu'sa]) is a legal category of Jews in halakha (Jewish religious law) who were forced or coerced to abandon Judaism against their will, typically while forcefully converted to another religion. The term "anusim" itself is most properly translated as the "coerced [ones]" or the "forced [ones]".
Cripto Jew - Crypto-Judaism is the secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing to be of another faith; practitioners are referred to as "crypto-Jews" (origin from Greek kryptos - 'hidden'). The term crypto-Jew is also used to describe descendants who maintain some Jewish traditions of their ancestors, often secretly, while publicly adhering to other faiths, most commonly Catholicism.
Sefardi, Sefardim - Jews who use a Sephardic style of liturgy or otherwise define themselves in terms of the Jewish customs and traditions which originated in the Iberian Peninsula. (Spanish Sefardíes; Portuguese Sefarditas,) .
Ladino- Ladino is the name used primarily in Israel for Judaeo-Spanish, a Sephardic language, primarily spoken among Sephardic Jews
New Christian: the same as converto - or "cristianos nuevos" in Spanish, and "cristãos novos" in Portuguese. Columbus and the Participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese Discoveries by Meyer Kayserling, 1894 (Christoph Columbus und der Anteil der Juden an den spanischen und portugiesischen Entdeckungen can be found in the open library)
Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean: How a Generation of Swashbuckling Jews Carved Out an Empire in the New World in Their Quest for Treasure, Religious Freedom--and Revenge by Edward Kritzler, 2008
The Jewish Nation of the Caribbean: The Spanish-Portuguese Jewish Settlements in the Caribbean and the Guianas by Mordehay Arbell
The cross and the pear tree : a Sephardic journey by Perera, Victor, 1996.
The island of one people : an account of the history of the Jews of Jamaica by Delevante, Marilyn. Contributor -Alberga, Anthony., 2006
Sephardi Jews: A Pageant of Spanish-Portuguese and Oriental Judaism Between the Cross and the Crescent, Edmond S. Malka, Trenton, NJ, 1979.
Power, faith, and fantasy : America in the Middle East, 1776 to the present Oren, Michael B., 1955- Book, 2007.[Famous Jewish Pirates Back to Top]
Photo from the movie THE PIRATE CAPTAIN TOLEDANO which explores JEWISH PIRATES. 2 ships were used at The Ocean Institute in Dana Point (Orange County) California in December 2016.